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Personalize Store

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Roles and responsibilities

My role:




Time line:


Work nature:

UX Designer- Individual Contributor


Research + Synthesis + Prototype


4 months


Agency - Critical Mass


Due to the merger of 2 giants- an American telecom company and a multinational mass media and entertainment company, they were looking for a way to set up a personalized digital store for the existing customers. This personalized store will show recommendations of physical and digital products based on their shopping data collected both online and in their telecom physical stores.


*Due to non-disclosure agreement, the project is stripped off the telecome brand. It is one of the largest top 2 telecom service providers in the U.S. 

My Process

  • Personas

  • Understand user flow and the buy flow.​


  • To understand users' mindset on when and why they make a purchase and along what stage of the journey.

  • Understand the omnichannel approach

  • Understand user behaviour and motivation

  • Solution to the challenge


Final Delivery
  • Makes wireframes and prototypes of this digital interface.

  • Prototype


Lessons Learnt



Digitally empowered

'Digitally Empowered' customer receives a couple of recommendations. The user adds this to their wish/watch list accessed from the 'Telecom' shopping page. Later, the user brings up their 'Telecom' Shopping app to get the shows – the shows are waiting for them on the landing page.  The user learns the shows are on 2 different channels/networks. The user looks to add those networks but learns it’s cheaper to get the DIRECT TV NOW subscription.  Getting more bang for their buck, the user subscribes to DIRECT TV NOW and receives enough loyalty rewards for a free month of service.

DIY Lifehacker

A Direct TV Now ‘DIY lifehacker’ can’t view his program on the TV because they don’t have home service and don’t want to pay for it. The user calls an Telecom rep and finds out they can use a Chromecast device because casting is already included. The Rep drops that product from a 3rd party marketplace vendor into their personalized shop page and the user gets notified on the phone that it has been added. The user then completes the purchase. After they purchase Chromecast device there is a promo to add HBO NOW to watch Silicon Valley and adds it to their wish/watch list.

Savvy Shopper

A marvel binge watcher and ‘savvy shopper’ is walking near a Telecom store and receives an alert on their phone that 4 marvel themed phone cases are nearby, which interests them and they click on “I’m interested.” The user receives directions to the store/product aisle, (should an Enjoy rep meet them with the case? or picks the item off the shelf?), likes it, scans the barcode to buy it via their device, it is charged to their existing AT&T account and walks out.

Yes, we define very clear personas but went another level to think of the scenarios they are in because we were looking for an omni channel approach.
User flow

Understanding the existing user flow on the telecom app and websites was crucial to understanding where the entertainment can be plugged.

Current Flow.png
Existing user buy-flow
Personalized Store Skeleton Deck adm.png
User pain points


What does a 'personalized store' mean?


To understand the concept of personalization, I started researching what a personalized experience looks like.

Questions I started with

  1. Defined what a personalized store is.

  2. How’s personalization done? By authentication or set of questions?

  3. Should it be part of buyflow or be stand-alone?

  4. What are some of the products that have a shopping app? What makes them successful?

  5. What is the inventory of content between the telecom and entertainment companies?

  6. How does all of this fit in with the Omni Channel approach?

  7. Complete and analyze research to understand the current trend- AR/ VR?

  8. Develop scalable strategies?

Understanding what a Personalized store meant to the user given user behaviour was key.
att_Personalization Store Study.001.png
att_Personalization Store Study.002.png

Competitive Research

Personalized Store_Saved Cart 2.0 _AKA_Wishlist1.png
Personalized Store_Saved Cart 2.0 _AKA_Wishlist.png
Personalized Store Skeleton Deck adm4.png
The omni channel personalization effort
Personalized Store Skeleton Deck adm6.png

A new definition of Personalization

Giving the user the ability to create the right context at the right time, so they feel that have control over the content and recommendations they are getting.  The user creates and streamlines their own experience by the choices they make.

Solution to the challenge

Solution to the challenge
Personalized Store Skeleton Deck adm1.png
Personalized Store Skeleton Deck adm2.png
Final design: PS

Final Delivery


Lessons Learnt

  1. This was one of my first few UX projects of my career and it was a humbling experience to see how much effort it went into getting all the pieces of this puzzle together.

  2. Since we were working for a client and didn't have access to data/ analytics and the real user, it was not an easy task to design for a partial hypothetical scenario.

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